The call center management has been developing many innovative and complex strategies to cure the customer/ queries in a mutual manner. Customers call a service provider when there is any fresh inquiry or if they find some complain from their end. If the approach is negative from any one of the side, there is a probability that the customers may behave a little rude and start to irritate or fight at the same time. This is a very common routine in the inbound call centers and to minimize these discrepancies some fresh ideas have been generated. Some of them are mentioned below:
80 % customers call you only they are not satisfied with some aspects of your services. So, get ready to face a furious customer who can say you anything (including slangs). It is very natural that as a customer representative executive (CRE) you will be insulted mentally. Therefore, it is recommended that you allow the customer to speak freely and ask in what manner he/she can be assisted. Note it down and assist by explain the matter and why it happened. In case, the customer is not ready to reply properly, it is wise to transfer the call to your manager who can monitor the call with helpful/serious replies.
Sometime lack of IVR malfunctioning also contributes to confusion between the CRE and the customer. Request the technical department to handle this matter fast. It is always safe to keep complaints far away from the team as this process is time consuming and demotivate the team quite often.
One other way to handle such customers is by focusing on their needs. They will never call you to spend time. They become serious only when the necessity of the service affects them in some other way. Speak slowly and question them humbly to re-direct the conversation back on track. But, always remember to take the customer’s permission before starting the questioning process. A time will surely come when the customers will have to surrender their anger if you are kind and personal to them. This formula really works in BPO s that offer contact center services.
Call Center Outsourcing industry engages thousands millions of employees with different psychology. It is very tough to handle all calling executives for such situations. Therefore, regular training from the experts can always be beneficial to handle the irate customers. Therefore, ask your team members to handle such calls when they have the patience to listen to such customers. You can also offer a partial solution if the customers can be at least controlled in this manner. You would find numerous other ways to tackle such folks. But the skill is always appreciated only when the solution is understood by the customers. Simply make the message simple and clear.