The quality and pace of Call center operations are dominated and threatened by two visible hindrances which are agent turnover and agent productivity. The reasons for such challenges in a call center are poor handling of the resources and lack of skills for specific job positions.
The realm of Call Center Operation is a specialized management field with its own hypothesis assessments and terminology. A complete and well- bred understanding of these tools is necessary to satisfy customers and to accomplish organizational objectives.
Selection criterions and performance screening tools can be vital tools to reroute the performance map of a Call Center on the track of success. These tools directly correlate to productivity, performance and agent retention within the organization. These measure the performance on the basis of candidate data such as:
1) What is their hidden potential?
2) What they have accomplished?
3) What are their professional plans for future?
According to their present capabilities and natural abilities, assessments and responsibilities are designed for every job applicant. For instance, a call center agent should be quick and extrovert while for a back office job in contact centers, an applicant should be sincere and meticulous. This unique assessment can predict the future capabilities of an applicant and can decide if the candidate willing to a long term commitment with the organization.
The assessments tools track the previous experiences, professional behavior, education or training, and work culture stimulation and project accomplishments. Resumes are screened out on the scores of education, work relevancy and experience. On the time of personal interview, the call centers management can add behavior-oriented interview questions to have an idea that how the applicant has handled a specific situation in the past and to analyze his skills. If a candidate wants to switch over to another job profile, this behavior questions based on past experience could be useful to determine his interests, preferences and other aspirations. These assessments tools can also decide whether the candidate is job fit or not. This helps the BPO industry to cut down the attrition rate and increase the level of performance by enhancing the job satisfaction.
Management of offshore call center should take a realistic trip down their premises and provide accurate job preview to the candidates so that they could decide about the offer carefully. The administration of contact centers should apply these assessment tips accurately otherwise badly crafted and poorly executed inappropriate application of assessments can draw negative impact on work atmosphere and results.